Exchange date: | 2016-07-09 |
Direction: | Exchange 20.00 Payeer USD to 0.02881 BitCoin BTC |
Мне понравилось Ivan |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-09 |
Direction: | Exchange 10.00 Perfect Money USD to 0.01429 BitCoin BTC |
Just one word: Wonderful! Chibuenyim |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-08 |
Direction: | Exchange 106.12 Perfect Money USD to 25.0016 LiteCoin LTC |
Very good Souhib |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-08 |
Direction: | Exchange 52.19 Payeer USD to 0.0794 BitCoin BTC |
Payment done Treedeb |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-07 |
Direction: | Exchange 0.39199 BitCoin BTC to 250.12 Perfect Money USD |
As soon as 3rd confirmation finished, the amount sent was reflected to my PM account.
Very good service. Yagi |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-07 |
Direction: | Exchange 15.40 Perfect Money USD to 0.02192 BitCoin BTC |
Amazing fast and secure Pol |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-04 |
Direction: | Exchange 15.20 Payeer USD to 14.25 Perfect Money USD |
Undoubtedly, this is the best and fast service i have ever experienced. David |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-04 |
Direction: | Exchange 15.00 Payeer USD to 0.02097 BitCoin BTC |
The best exchange Attila |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-04 |
Direction: | Exchange 35.00 Payeer USD to 33.47 Perfect Money USD |
Very fast exchange service, thanks Sou |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-04 |
Direction: | Exchange Perfect Money USD to Payeer USD |
Instant exchange from PM USD to Payeer USD - recommended Ivan |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-04 |
Direction: | Exchange 70.00 Perfect Money USD to 0.10352 BitCoin BTC |
Fast exchange Rugal9 |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-03 |
Direction: | Exchange 30.00 Perfect Money USD to 0.04444 BitCoin BTC |
Honestly awesome serv Richard Adarkwah |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-03 |
Direction: | Exchange 10.00 Payeer USD to 0.01384 BitCoin BTC |
The best exchange Attila |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-03 |
Direction: | Exchange 90.17 Payeer USD to 0.12627 BitCoin BTC |
Transaction completed Treedeb |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-03 |
Direction: | Exchange 143.00 Perfect Money USD to 0.20552 BitCoin BTC |
Exellent received instantly!! Jonnah |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-03 |
Direction: | Exchange 10.89 Payeer USD to 0.01438 BitCoin BTC |
Best Exchanger so far Devstar |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-02 |
Direction: | Exchange 14.66 Volet USD to 14.41 Payeer USD |
Very good Yves Tavares Peres |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-02 |
Direction: | Exchange 57.00 Payeer USD to 0.08141 BitCoin BTC |
Instant exchange from Payeer to BTC. Excellent service! Kytorr |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-02 |
Direction: | Exchange 131.17 Payeer USD to 0.18812 BitCoin BTC |
Transaction successful Treedeb |
Exchange date: | 2016-07-02 |
Direction: | Exchange Perfect Money USD to BitCoin BTC |
Fastest and low rate! Absolutely awesome! Hayate |