Exchange date: | 2015-06-24 |
Direction: | Exchange 29.00 Payeer USD to 0.1146 BitCoin BTC |
So Satisfied... Iswar Mohanty |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-24 |
Direction: | Exchange 250.00 Perfect Money USD to 1.03255 BitCoin BTC |
Excellent Service. Most Trustworthy... Iswar Mohanty |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-22 |
Direction: | Exchange 100.00 Payeer USD to 0.3912 BitCoin BTC |
Very fast exchange thank you supercharge I love it! Fatih Dündar |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-22 |
Direction: | Exchange 10.00 Payeer USD to 9.09 Perfect Money USD |
The best exchange Attila |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-17 |
Direction: | Exchange 10.00 Payeer USD to 9.09 Perfect Money USD |
Super fast thank you Attila |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-14 |
Direction: | Exchange 12.69 Payeer USD to 0.05075 BitCoin BTC |
Thanks alot guys! Aniket |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-14 |
Direction: | Exchange 0.04418 BitCoin BTC to 10.00 Payeer USD |
Thanks alot :)) Aniket |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-10 |
Direction: | Exchange Perfect Money EUR to Payeer USD |
Excellent! Fast! Dervis |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-09 |
Direction: | Exchange 0.115 BitCoin BTC to 25.44 Perfect Money USD |
Good service and fast Attila |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-09 |
Direction: | Exchange 49.52 Payeer USD to 45.86 Perfect Money USD |
The amount of 45.86 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Ziaul |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-07 |
Direction: | Exchange 10.00 Perfect Money USD to 0.04204 BitCoin BTC |
Very good Nicusor |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-05 |
Direction: | Exchange 110.00 Perfect Money USD to 0.48702 BitCoin BTC |
Best exchange site. Fast and very good exchange rate Jhone |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-03 |
Direction: | Exchange 12.00 Payeer USD to 10.78 Perfect Money USD |
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Charles Mascaro |
Exchange date: | 2015-06-01 |
Direction: | Exchange 54.00 Payeer USD to 50.02 Perfect Money USD |
Very good. Paco |
Exchange date: | 2015-05-31 |
Direction: | Exchange 35.00 Payeer USD to 0.14061 BitCoin BTC |
Well!!! Valeriy |
Exchange date: | 2015-05-31 |
Direction: | Exchange 54.00 Payeer USD to 50.02 Perfect Money USD |
Very good... Pavel |
Exchange date: | 2015-05-31 |
Direction: | Exchange 15.00 Payeer USD to 0.05889 BitCoin BTC |
Excelent Demeter Attila |
Exchange date: | 2015-05-30 |
Direction: | Exchange 90.00 Perfect Money USD to 91.73 Payeer USD |
Now, I have become your customer. At long last, I have just found a website that I can trust for now.
No human intervention, this website is a fantastic! Charles Mascaro |
Exchange date: | 2015-05-30 |
Direction: | Exchange 10.00 Perfect Money USD to 9.98 Payeer USD |
I was completely dumbfounded to realize how FAST your website Carried out the transactions. This is more than awesome; please do well to keep this website alive forever. I am highly Satisfied! Charles Mascaro |
Exchange date: | 2015-05-30 |
Direction: | Exchange Perfect Money USD to BitCoin BTC |
Thanks Mohammed |