From today, service increased the size of the discount that can get the user, depending on the current exchange amount.
New set of files with current exchange rates and reserves in XML format was added. All options are available on the "Export rates" page.
We added automatic exchange of OKPAY USD to/from other e-currencies. Exchanges between OKPAY and other e-currencies are instant.
We added automatic exchange of HD-Money USD to/from other e-currencies. Exchanges between HD-Money and other e-currencies are instant.
We added automatic exchange of EgoPay USD/EUR to/from other e-currencies. Exchange from EgoPay to other e-currency require the approval of the EgoPay security service.
For ease of parsing the exchange rates and reserves of our service, 3 new versions of export file format have been added. For all the options of the export rates was allocated a personal page "Export rates". Examples::
- WMZ -> WMR: rate=0.0297086767, reserve=168646.67 (old format, still working)
- 001;002;1.000000;33.660200;168646.67
- Webmoney USD;Webmoney RUB;1.000000;33.660200;168646.67
- WMZ;WMR;1.000000;33.660200;168646.67
Were combined Clients database and Partners database. In this regard, duplicate Logins in the Clients database have been renamed to "_login". All Logins from the Partners database, as well as unique Logins from the Clients database have remained unchanged.
Have been updated gif-banners in our Partner program. The banners presented in the following sizes: 100x100, 200x200, 468x60, 120x600, 728x90, 760x90.